“So, here’s my question. What makes me so damn wonderful? I’m nothing. Honestly. I’m just another girl, doing what she can to make believe happiness. And, it’s not working. But, somehow I managed to convince everyone around me that I am. And they say they love me. But, how can they? What they see isn’t me. It’s what I pretend to be, because its what I’m told to be. But, I’m not happy. I’m not nice. I’m mean. I’m evil. I say things and do things that hurt myself and hurt people. Deliberately. Because, I can. And because it’s supposed to make them all leave me alone so I don’t have to pretend anymore, but they don’t leave. No, instead they continue to believe I’m happy, perky. When I smile they believe me. When I laugh they think it’s real. And they think they love me. But, they don’t know me. They know who I pretend to be. But, how do you love something that’s not real?” – Jacqueline Kelly

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