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Media Archive Quote No. 12,307

“If you don’t think villains can get happy endings, just watch me take one. There’s no author of my fate. No story book with my destiny. I’ve been a villain a thousand times over and yet I’m about to get everything I desire.” – Once Upon a Time Quote No. 12,265

“Right now I need for you to not talk, okay? It’s ’cause you’re head of the hospital now, right? That’s why you haven’t called me in 11 days. Because I hate myself. I hate that I know how many days it’s been since we hung out. And I hate myself even more for asking you [...] Quote No. 12,264

“I’m in love with that intern out there, but I won’t tell her. And I keep saying to myself I won’t tell her because everyone I love turns out to be crazy or mean or cancer-y or– or leaves. But the thing all those women have in common is me. They were all fine before [...] Quote No. 12,263

“There comes a time in life where everything seems narrow. Choices have been made. I can only continue on. I know myself like the back of my hand. I can predict my every reaction. My life has been cast in cement with airbags and seatbelts. I’ve done everything to reach this point and now that [...] Quote No. 12,262

“Before he was unable to make a choice because he didn’t know what would happen. Now that he knows what will happen, he is unable to make a choice.” – Mr. Nobody Quote No. 12,261

“Every path is the right path. Everything could’ve been anything else. And it would have just as much meaning.” – Mr. Nobody Quote No. 12,260

“You have to make the right choice. As long as you don’t choose, everything remains possible.” – Mr. Nobody Quote No. 12,259

“When it comes to grief, the normal rules of wealth do not apply. Because grief transcends value. A man would give entire nations to lift grief off his heart and yet, you cannot buy anything with grief, because grief is worthless.” – The Counselor Quote No. 12,258

“I’m pretty skeptical about the goodness of the good. I think that if you ransacked the archives of the redeemed you would uncover tales of moral squalor quite beyond the merely appalling.” – The Counselor Quote No. 12,257

“Men are attracted to flawed women too of course, but their illusion is that they can fix them. They just want to be entertained. The truth about women is that you can do anything to them except bore them.” – The Counselor Quote No. 12,256

“Then tell me. That’s how this works. You talk to me about it so that I can take your hand and fucking walk through this shit with you. That is what I signed up for, Okay? But I cannot do that if you won’t let me in.” – Short Term 12 Quote No. 12,255

“No one can ever prepare you for what happens when you have a child. When you see the baby in your arms and you know that it’s your job now. No one can prepare you for the love and the fear.” – About Time Quote No. 12,254

“I’m not particularly proud of many things in my life, but I am very proud to be the father of my son.” – About Time Quote No. 12,253

“Lesson Number One: All the time traveling in the world can’t make someone love you.” – About Time Quote No. 12,252

“We’re all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.” – About Time Quote No. 12,251

And in the end I think I’ve learned the final lesson from my travels in time; and I’ve even gone one step further than my father did: The truth is I now don’t travel back at all, not even for the day, I just try to live every day as if I’ve deliberately come back [...] Quote No. 12,241

“Happiness is your biggest enemy. It weakens you. Puts doubts in your mind. Suddenly you have something to lose.” – Rush Quote No. 12,240

“The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel. It’s a wonderful way to live.” – Rush Quote No. 12,239

“A wise man can learn more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.” – Rush Quote No. 12,238

“He wasn’t your best friend, he was your oldest friend. There’s a difference.” – Best Man Down