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“‘You could have a normal life. You could love a man who loves you and could see you every day. Really see you, not just you imagining he sees you. You could get married again! I was wrong to even start this. It’s my fault. I lie in bed at night and think, what am [...]

“In the wings were guys. I had some wanton ways: a hockey player one weekend, a poet the next. I wasn’t a very good flirt (how could I be? With three big brothers, I knew the male mind), so I slept with them and got it over with. My logic went like this: sex is [...]

“I felt almost tingly with possibility. People become best friends with their roommates, lay in the dark and talked, got drunk together, lusted after guys, shared clothes. Years later they hoped for their children to go to college together.” – Best Friends by Martha Moody

“‘Invested? Have you thought about how invested we are in each other? Wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, I always think of you. Last week, I had a new patient call me a white bitch who enjoyed seeing people like her suffer, and you know what? I didn’t fall apart. I listened to her. I [...]

"And I knew exactly how old Walt's Cinderella felt when she found her prince." - A Promising Man and About Time, Too by Elizabeth Young

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand Quotes

“There was still one response, the greatest, that she had missed. She thought: To find a feeling that would hold, as their sum, as their final expression, the purpose of all the things she loved on earth. . . To find a consciousness like her own, who would be the meaning of her world, as [...]

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn Quotes

“This story, like every story, has a beginning, a middle, and an end. And each of these parts is a story in itself.” – Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn Quotes

“To step out of this story is to fall off the edge of the world. There’s no way out of it, except through death.” – Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn Quotes

“For the moment all you have to know is that two fundamentally different stories have been enacted here during the lifetime of man. One began to be enacted here some two or three million years ago by the people we’ve agreed to cal Leavers and is still being enacted here some ten or twelve thousand [...]

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn Quotes

“The problem is that man’s conquest of the world has itself devastated the world. And in spite of all the mastery we’ve attained, we don’t have enough mastery to stop devastating the world—or to repair the devastation we’ve already wrought.” – Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

“They’ve been told an explaining story. They’ve been given an explanation of how things came to be this way, and this stills their alarm. This explanation covers everything, including the deterioration of the ozone layer, the pollution of the oceans, the destruction of the rain forests, and even human extinction—and it satisfied them. Or perhaps [...]

“We don’t need prophets to tell us how to live; we can find out for ourselves by consulting what’s actually there.” – Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

“We’re destroying the world because we are, in a very literal and deliberate way, at war with it.” – Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

“Certain knowledge is knowledge of the one right way. That’s what we want. That’s what Takers want. We don’t want to know a way to live that works well. We want to know the one right way. And that’s what our prophets give us. And that’s what our lawgivers give us.” – Ishmael by Daniel [...]

“Even if you weren’t personally captivated by the story, you were a captive all the same, because the people around you made you a captive. You were like an animal being swept along in the middle of a stampede.” – Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

Canon for Guys in Their Twenties and Thirties

Canon for Guys in Their Twenties and Thirties, According to the Author of Starting from Square Two–Caren Lissner The Simpsons This is Spinal Tap Star Wars Monty Python Star Trek The Princess Bride The Untouchables The Hobbit The Matrix Office space

"I have sometimes been asked whether I consider love higher than art, and I have replied that I cannot separate them, for the artist is the only lover, he alone has the pure vision of beauty and love is the vision of the soul when it is permitted to gaze upon immortal beauty." - My Life by Isadora Duncan

"You already have one asshole. You don't need another." - He's just not that into you by by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

"With a measure of self-serving irony, I reassure myself that perhaps I needed to kiss Leo to really let go of him--and dismiss the notion that staying in my marriage is any version of settling, or that I'm with Andy by default. After all, isn't settling about having no opinions at all? About taking something because it's better than nothing? I finally had a real choice. And I chose." - Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin

"'my first thoughts after waking are -- and always have been -- of you.'" - The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks