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Jacqueline Kelly Archive

"When you attempt suicide ... and you fail ... it's like this big dissapointment ... because it's one more thing you can't do right." - Jacqueline Kelly

"Things aren't great. The nightmares of my past are returning to haunt me in my sleep. When I'm awake, a certain sound, a word, brings back the memories and I freeze. I can't breathe. My soul is so torn. I wonder if it will ever be healed completely. My heart is ripped into shreds. It doesn't seem as if there's anyway to mend it. I'm dying. I'm dying and no one can tell. They don't even care. It's torture, going through the motions of life as if I'm really here. I don't remember the last time I really felt anything. The last time I cried or laughed and meant it. And I wonder why no one can tell. They all say the love me but then why aren't they able." - Jacqueline Kelly

"If life is a dream, then I want to wake up from this nightmare." - Jacqueline Kelly

"I honestly don't understand what makes people think they love me, what makes people think I'm a good person. Because I'm not." - Jacqueline Kelly

"this is me not giving a damn anymore." - Jacqueline Kelly

"It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing matters anymore." - Jacqueline Kelly

"When you attempt suicide ... and you fail ... it's like this big dissapointment ... because it's one more thing you can't do right." - Jacqueline Kelly

"I'm so tired of this. It's too much for me to handle right now. I'm sick of getting hurt and having my heart broken. I want to just give up." - Jacqueline Kelly

"So, here's my question. What makes me so damn wonderful? I'm nothing. Honestly. I'm just another girl, doing what she can to make believe happiness. And, it's not working. But, somehow I managed to convince everyone around me that I am. And they say they love me. But, how can they? What they see isn't me. It's what I pretend to be, because its what I'm told to be. But, I'm not happy. I'm not nice. I'm mean. I'm evil. I say things and do things that hurt myself and hurt people. Deliberately. Because, I can. And because it's supposed to make them all leave me alone so I don't have to pretend anymore, but they don't leave. No, instead they continue to believe I'm happy, perky. When I smile they believe me. When I laugh they think it's real. And they think they love me. But, they don't know me. They know who I pretend to be. But, how do you love something that's not real?" - Jacqueline Kelly

"I'm through with it. All of it. I simply do not care anymore. I don't want to care anymore. I'm walking away now and you can say or do what you want. It's not going to stop me. I'm done with caring." - Jacqueline Kelly

"My life is more like a movie. I see the people moving. Hear what they're saying. But it's not real. Nothing is real anymore." - Jacqueline Kelly

"And I'm still looking for the place where I belong. I just wish I knew where to go when I have no where to be." - Jacqueline Kelly

"If life is a dream, then I want to wake up from this nightmare." - Jacqueline Kelly

"It's like, all of a sudden I grew up, and I changed. I'm not the person you used to know. -Jacqueline Kelly

"I'm so tired of this. It's too much for me to handle right now. I'm sick of getting hurt and having my heart broken. I want to just give up." - Jacqueline Kelly

"There's happiness out there. Somewhere. I know there is. I'm just too sad to look." - Jacqueline Kelly

"It's like, all of a sudden I grew up, and I changed. I'm not the person you used to know. -Jacqueline Kelly

"I don't know when it happened, or even how it happened. But it did. I grew up. And with growing up I grew apart. I'm not one of you anymore. I'm my own person. And I'm alone. You live in this happy world together, and I'm on the outside looking in. My seasons are completely different from yours. When the sun shines on you the rain pours on me. Your laughter is my sorrow. I don't feel things the way you do. I don't respond to things the way you do. I'm sorry. I can't help it. This is who I am." - Jacqueline Kelly

"And I'm still looking for the place where I belong. I just wish I knew where to go when I have no where to be." - Jacqueline Kelly

"this is me not giving a damn anymore." - Jacqueline Kelly