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Smallville Archive

"I missed you... more than you can possibly know." - Smallville

"Sometimes when you're dealing with extraordinary people, you need to take a risk." - Smallville

"You're going to forget everything! You're going to forget your friends, your experiences... you're going to forget me. You're going to forget me!" - Smallville

"I think the man of tomorrow needs to get a platform for today." - Smallville

"One who denies his destiny can bring about as much pain and suffering as his greatest enemy." - Smallville

"Empires are not brought down by outside forces - they are destroyed by weaknesses from within." - Smallville

"There has to be something in your life... something that is worth giving it one more try. " - Smallville

"I don't suppose I can ask you to somehow see that every horrible thing I did was because I truly do love you." - Smallville

"There aren't enough prayers in this world to give me redemption! " - Smallville

"For the first time, I'm ready to stop running... from who I really am... from my destiny." - Smallville

"I can't ever totally make it up to you or your friends but I would like to try to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again. " - Smallville

"with the life I've led, I go to bed every night praying I don't get what I deserve." - Smallville

"I don't care about the past - I believe in the power to reinvent yourself." - Smallville

"I haven't been paying enough attention to everything. There's been danger all around me that I haven't seen... warning signs I haven't noticed... and people in need that I've neglected. I didn't realize how bad things are. I haven't been here for you. I'm sorry. " - Smallville

"Hope is not in my vocabulary." - Smallville

"They will hunt us to the last man. But they will fail, for we shall never be defeated. " - Smallville

"Lex: Look, I can never make up for what happened. All I can do is move forward and rebuild everything I've damaged. Lana: That might not be easy. Lex: Well, nothing worth it ever is." - Smallville

"You don't understand what it's like to be different. What it's like to have to hide so people don't think you're a freak. Everywhere I go, I hear people's thoughts. I can't block it out anymore." - Smallville

"You can't just sit safely by the water and watch all the happy people splashing around, I mean, eventually you have to grow some fins and just dive in." - Smallville

"We've, uh, we've survived tax audits and typhoons together, Tess. We're practically family at this point. " - Smallville