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Scrubs Archive

"Oh, come on, death isn't that bad. Especially if you're dying from laughter! " - Scrubs

"That's really very sweet of you to think that you're that important." - Scrubs

"It's so strange feeling all alone when like a month ago I was part of this really tight group, you know?" - Scrubs

"I find it amusing that you think you're so much as a blip on my radar. Better go ahead and jot this down in your little lawyer notebook: Nothing you could possibly do could ever, hee-hever get to me." - Scrubs

"It's so strange feeling all alone when like a month ago I was part of this really tight group, you know?" - Scrubs

"When you disrespect someone, and they in turn burn your ass, you must RECOGNIZE!" - Scrubs

"Well, I have ruined everything! All he tried to do was take care of me and show me that he loved me. But, no, I had to drive him away because I don't like being vulnerable even when I'm normal" - Scrubs

"Why can't you for once dig deep down in your heart, access some emotions and empathize with me." - Scrubs

"Unfortunately, around here things don't always end as neat and tidy as they do in sitcoms. Relationships aren't always magically fixed in thirty minutes - you have to work on them." - Scrubs

"Every one of our parents does some considerable emotional damage and from what I've heard it just might be the best part of being a parent." - Scrubs

"If I finally get a damn heart, I'll let you eat ice cream off it!" - Scrubs

"You know what, that's exactly what's wrong with you men. You're all so superficial, so afraid of what you really feel. I'm so sick of it! " - Scrubs

"Sweetie, I have feelings for you, too; I do. But unlike you, I have some balls, so you don't hear me whining about it. " - Scrubs

As I looked at all the relationships around me, some that had gone on forever, some that were re-ignited, some that had just begun, I realized something. It should have been me.

“I know that was our first date, but next time, don’t be afraid to put a little feeling into it.” – Scrubs

“I know I’d love to forget all the painful things that have happened to me. But unfortunately I keep relaying them in my head like some clip show from a bad sitcom too lazy to come up with a fresh story.” – Scrubs

“Ever since we said ‘I love you’ to each other, I’ve been feeling all this pressure, and wondering about the future – our future. Like, are we gonna get married? Are we gonna have kids? If so, how many, and when will I get my figure back? Should I keep working? Where’re we gonna live? [...]

“Look, I am seeing someone right now – who, by the way, is great – and yet there’s this other woman who I cannot get out of my head. She’s totally unavailable, which may be why I can’t get her out of my head, and maybe, and this is a whole new theory – I [...]

“Honey I know your type. It is so easy to see other people’s problems from way up there on your pedestal, but you better be careful up there because if you fall off and have to walk around down here with the rest of us, I don’t know you might catch a glimpse of yourself [...]

“You were there when I needed you without me even having to ask.” – Scrubs